10 Innovation Picture


In this page we are going to discuss about ten (10) smart innovation around us that will make our life more awesome. So what is innovation? Innovation can be defined simply as a "new idea, device or method". However,innovation is often also viewed as the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, unarticulated needs, or existing market needs. ... The opposite ofinnovation is exnovation. Let have a look now what are those awesome item around us:

1.SMART Table 442i

Smart Table 442i is lates technology where encourage students to take part interactive learning session. This table able to create a stimulation for easy understanding. This table come with,multi-touch, multi-user technology,SMART Table toolkit,enables flexible learning,durable, scratch proof and water resistant,and completely mobile so can be used in numerous classrooms

2.Smart D-Link W110 Wifi Smart Plug

The D-Link Wi-Fi Smart Plug (DSP-W215). It allows you to turn your devices on or off, wherever you are.Besides that, this device also, create On/Off. Moreover, schedules for your devices.Set your devices to work for you whenever you want.Help Prevent Your Devices From Overheating.A thermal sensor will automatically turn off overheating appliances.Lastly monitor your energy use.Keep an eye on your energy usage and save a few bucks.

3.SMART Board SB660 Interactive Whiteboard

Touch Recognition feature offers even more convenience by allowing you to write with a pen.Pick up a blue pen and write notes in blue, or pick up a black pen and write notes in black.Buttons on the Pen Tray also allow you to activate the On-Screen Keyboard and access the right-click and help functions.Capture your work to SMART Notebook software as a screen shot that you can edit.Save notes directly to file formats compatible with a variety of applications, including AutoCAD and Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel and Word.

4.Smart Sole 2.0 S Wedge

GPS SmartSole® is a smartphone hidden and sealed in an insole. It uses the same GPS and cellular technology as your smartphone, is charged like your phone, and requires activation and a data service plan. Like your phone, it works cross country within cellular network covered areas. THE KEY ADVANTAGE: GPS SmartSole® is discreet, non-invasive and your loved one won’t forget to bring it with them or turn it on! GPS SmartSole® is automatically checking in with you every 10 minutes, for less than the cost of a few days care in a “lock-down” facility. Keeping them safe and independent at an affordable price- now that is peace of mind!

5.Google Smart Contact Lenses

Google Smart Lens is a contact lens that is worn in direct contact with the eye. It contains various micro-electronics, including non-invasive sensors and low-power chips, which allow it to collect data and then wirelessly transmit it to an app on a paired mobile device. Google Smart Lens is one of several smart contact lenses in development, with each focused on monitoring different aspects of health. 

6.Smart Bluetooth Tracer GPS Locator Tag Alarm

It can trace the easy-lost and valuable belongs, such as keys, handbags, pets, phones and etc.Effective distance: 75 feet in the open air without barrier.

7.Smart Water Bottle BluFit

BluFit is the smart water bottle that helps you stay healthy by working with your phone to make sure you drink enough water.BluFit solves this by determining how much water you need, how much you've drank and by alerting you when it's time to hydrate. This method ensures that your body is always operating at its best.First, our app collects a variety of factors such as weight, age, temperature and humidity to determine exactly how much water you need. Next, you start drinking from your BluFit bottle. BluFit automatically records the time and amount of water you drink and transmits the data to your phone. If you start to fall behind with your hydration, BlueFit has customizable alert lights, sounds and phone notifications to keep you on track.

8.Livescribe Echo Smartpen

This next generation smartpen has all the same features as the award-winning Pulse Pen, plus a few really impressive new ones. Livescribe Echo comes with more available memory to record lectures, meetings & more, and simultaneously links your written notes to your audio giving you up to 800 hours of interactive notes. In addition to the new ergonomic design and roll-proof rubberized tip it also now offers password protection and will even let you use the pen to "draw" right onto your computer screen!

9.Dacuda Wireless PocketScan

Scan anything.Move PocketScan across any document, drawing,text,texture or image.Instant feedback.Anything you scan is instantly displayed on the screen. It feels just like painting.Easy to use.Download our software, press the start button and simply start scanning.Truly portable ,  PocketScan is as small as a business card, only 1" wide and weighs just 85 grams.

.ili-Wearable Translator

The thin, white device is a mobile translator: You speak into one side, pressing Ili’s single button, and there’s a speaker on the other that delivers your message into the desired language. The tiny gadget also has no need for Wi-Fi or any connection to work—it relies on Ili’s in-home built database to deliver translations.It’s a nice-looking device, but the convenience of it remains to be seen. Also, aren’t there a lot of voice dictation translations apps out there now? There are a few, but Ili touts its language database (which currently includes English, Chinese, and Japanese—version two will have French, Thai, and Korean) and direct voice delivery as a better experience. Also, there’s that whole not needing Internet thing.


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